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OSU's newest supercomputer "Pete" is available for all OSU researchers.

Pete doors

System summary:

  • 164 compute nodes, each with dual Intel “Skylake” 6130 CPUs @ 2.1GHz and 96 GB RAM

  • 36 compute nodes, each with dual Intel “Cascade Lake” 6226R CPUs @ 2.9GHz and 96 GB RAM

  • 12 large memory nodes, each with dual Intel “Skylake” 6130 CPUs and 768 GB RAM 

  • 1 super memory node with dual Intel “Skylake” 6130 CPUs and 1.5 TB RAM

  • 10 GPU nodes, each containing at least two NVIDIA Quadro RTX6000 GPUS with a total of 22 GPUs

  • 100 Gb/s Intel Omni-path low-latency interconnect

  • 2 PB high-speed parallel file system (for paid use)

  • 360 TB high-speed parallel file system (/scratch)

  • Slurm Workload Manager

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Codes Compiled on Pete

Pete doors


gcc, intel, impi, openmpi, mpich, mvapich

Codes A-L:

abinit, afni, amber, anaconda, ansys, anvio, argtable, bcftools, bedops, bedtools, bismark, blasr, blast+, blobtools, boost, bowtie, bwa, canu, cd-hit, slustal-omega, cml, concoct, cplex, cuda, cufflinks, danps, dastool, diamond, discovardenovo, docker, eq-utils, emboss, energyplus, fastqc, fds, fftw, fraggenescan, freesurfer, gatk, gaussian, gdal, gdlib, go, grace, gromacs, gsl, gtdtk, gurobi, hdf5, hisat, hmmer, htslib, humann, hybpiper, idba, ior, iqtree, iseg, jags, jdk, jellyfish, jemalloc, jre, julia, kallisto, kat, king, kraken, libgd, libgdff, libxc

Codes M-Z:

madgraph, mathematica, matlab, maxbin, matebat, metaphlan, metasim, miniconda, minimap, mirdeep, mothur, mpfr, mumax, mummer, netcdf, nwchem, octopus, openfoam, pasa, pb-jelly, pbh5tools, perl, petsc, pplacer, prodigal, prophet, pullseg, python, qlime, qtlcartographer, quantum-espresso, R, raxml, rnammer, rsem, ruby, segemath, salmon, samtools, scalapack, siesta, singularity, snippy, solexaqa, spades, sratoolkit, stacks, star-ccm, star-rna, stringtie, structure, subread, tophat, transdecoder, trimgalore, trimmomatic, trinity, trinotate, vapor, velvet, vsearch, wget, yaml, zlib

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